Now here is one of my personal favourites, such a stunner and definitly going to prove that you don't need to shell out a fortune to get real quality pony. Hill ponies are by no means always the poorer cousins of the stud bred Darties! This is Brambles 3 and a bit years old. Around 12hh high and dark bay. He is a really handsome chappy and has a lovely nature. He is fine to be caught, led around and be handled but needs work on his feet. He is okay with his front feet but we're working to get him confident on his backs. Since moving to the main fields he is like a constant shadow to anyone who's around, he is desperate for attention and often chooses people over other ponies for company, I would just love to find a really special home for him. He would make a lovely show pony or kids riding pony. The ultimate diamond in the rough lol!
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