Piebald colt, shetland x type foal Reserved.

STOP PRESS, GREAT NEWS, LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE RE-HOMED ALL OF THESE FOALS. As long as the remaining few people are good to their word and send payment, all the foals now have homes. We are so relieved and grateful to everyone on facebook and the IHDG for spreading the word and offering homes to these little tots. A special mention goes to lovely Catherine who volunteered to drive all the way from Herts to Dartmoor and back, at no profit to herself to collect these ponies for other people. People like that restore my faith in humanity, also thank you to Sam for spreading the word in Herts and to all the people who have offered these ponies homes, THANK YOU XXX
Hi everybody, well rather at the last minute another farmer quite local to us has agreed to let us look for homes for his unsold foals this years. There are now 9 all together still looking for homes, mostly this years foals but also a couple of nice yearlings. I am going to publish a list here from the photos we took. Hopefully the sex of the ponies is correct but we were running around a 5 acre field with 15 wild ponies so you can't sue us if a filly turns out to be a colt lol!
IF you think you could offer a home to one or five ha, of these little chaps please contact me asap (details at the bottom). The lots have now been drawn for the slaughter man who takes these ponies for zoo meat so time is very pressing for these little ponies. The zoo meat scheme is actually very good from a welfare point of view because the ponies a destroyed humanely on the with minimal stress but we still hate to see perfectly lovely foals destroyed before they have had a chance.
Any way the price of the foals is just £30 to cover the price of the microchip and passport, we will arrange to have this done for you once we have a group of ponies ready. Or you can take them without chip and passport for just £15 and get this done yourself later. You will then need to collect the ponies, or arrange a transporter to collect them, directly from the farm near Widdecombe on Dartmoor. We have had groups from farther afield club together to pay transport and come and collect 4 ponies at once. We do have the number of some local transporters but bare in mind that these are un-handled ponies who will need herding in secure areas and you will need to find a way to get funds to us if you are not coming in person to collect.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions. It is very hard for us to guess what specific height these ponies will make as adults but at a guess the will range from 10.2hh to 12.2hh at the most. Just to reiterate, the involvement of our charity is simply to advertise and try to find homes for these ponies, we do not own them, and they are not on our property, we are unable to provide transport and we offer no guaranty as to the height the ponies will make or any other aspect, you are buying straight from the farmer and are taking the same chance as anyone buying a pony from the market or a farm. The photos above are a full list and are the only ponies available from this herd. Having said all that these ponies make wonderful companions, riding or driving ponies and will repay your good deed a thousand times over.
We are also more then happy for experienced people take on ponies to train and then sell on as this could give them the chance they need. A great place to start if you are considering it is to buy Sarah Weston's excellent book on taming the feral foal entitled "No Fear, No Force" available though her website or Amazon. Thank you so much for taking a look, from us at the DPTC and from the ponies xx
please send an email with your name, number and what you might be interested in and I will get straight back to you at sarahedwardstooke@hotmail.com
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